Get a country-specific Outlook email address such as, etc.

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Microsoft’s popular free email service,, also allows you to sign up for country-specific email IDs. Microsoft offers several @outlook addresses specific to each country. If you want a country specific email domain like, or, you can receive one.

Country specific Outlook email domain

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To get one, you must first visit and click on the link Register now at the bottom right. On page Create Account, you can log in if a country-specific domain is offered in the User Name drop-down menu. But chances are you won’t see anything but and options.

You must therefore open the site specific to your country. Here I take the example of India, so I open At the top right you see a login, link. Click on it.

You go to page Login. Click Log in now at the bottom right.

You will be redirected to the Create Account page where you must enter your details. Click under on the link Your favorite e-mail .

You will now also see your country-specific e-mail domain, in addition to the other one. In this image, you see the e-mail ID that is offered to me.

Microsoft provides 32 country specific @outlook addresses, as shown below. Select the one you want and follow the instructions.

Simply identify your country’s subdomain, visit it and start the process from there. This can also work for you. users can also create an email alias. An email alias is very useful if you don’t want to share your primary email ID with someone and don’t want to create a new one – but want to manage the account from your existing account. This way, you can easily use different e-mail IDs for different things.

Our email account contains many important emails, personal data, commercially sensitive information, etc. We do not sell or rent your email account to third parties. It is therefore imperative that you do not register (formerly Hotmail) by chance. Here are some tips for connecting to Outlook.

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