Listen to your favorite online radio stations with RadioZilla

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  2. Let it scan your computer.
  3. The tool will then repair your computer.

Most of us enjoy listening to our favorite music for long periods of boredom and no other method works better than switching to an online radio station. There is no limit to the number of online radio stations we can listen to on the Internet, but we can use a single application – RadioZilla – to track our favorites.

RadioZilla is a free application for Windows desktop that allows you to listen to different radio stations and directly download songs they play without having to download third-party applications. Let’s continue and see how the application really works.

RadioZilla review & features

April 2024 Update:

You can now prevent PC problems by using this tool, such as protecting you against file loss and malware. Additionally it is a great way to optimize your computer for maximum performance. The program fixes common errors that might occur on Windows systems with ease - no need for hours of troubleshooting when you have the perfect solution at your fingertips:

  • Step 1 : Download PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista – Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • Step 2 : Click “Start Scan” to find Windows registry issues that could be causing PC problems.
  • Step 3 : Click “Repair All” to fix all issues.


Visit the home page and click the download link. What makes the program really useful is its ability to allow a user to listen to and record radios simultaneously. For Windows, the program is available as an.exe file with a size of 4.2 MB.

When the download is complete, start the file and select the configuration language. Use wizards to complete the installation process.

Open RadioZilla and you will see the main program interface. It is mainly divided into 3 tranches. A list of musical genres is displayed at the top left. Everyone can develop and become more specific.

Select your favorite genre and the program should display a list of appropriate channels. Click on the desired station and streaming should start immediately. One problem I noticed when using this program was that most stations were offline, so I couldn’t immediately connect to a station and no error messages were displayed except’Cannot Connect’. But my second attempt gave results and fortunately I was able to listen to a song!

While listening to a track, you can record it! To do this, simply press button Auto Record and start recording the track. It doesn’t matter if you started recording in the middle.

The program does not require authorization via folders, file names, formats or the like – it automatically saves each track as an MP3 file in an appropriate folder for your listening comfort.

RadioZilla is compatible with Windows 7 and earlier versions of Windows OS such as Windows Vista and Windows XP.

Download RadioZilla

Download: Radiozilla.

Expert Tip: This repair tool scans the repositories and replaces corrupt or missing files if none of these methods have worked. It works well in most cases where the problem is due to system corruption. This tool will also optimize your system to maximize performance. It can be downloaded by Clicking Here