How to Repair ‘Msmpeng.Exe High Ram’ Issue on Windows PC

The MsMpEng.exe file is an important component of Windows Security (Windows Defender) that scans your computer for threats, stops them, and installs antimalware updates. It can be found in the Task Manager under the name “Antimalware service executable”.

MsMpEng.exe/Antimalware Service Executable allows Windows Defender to continuously monitor your computer for potential threats and provide real-time protection against malware and cyber-attacks.

On this page, we offer you several ways to eliminate high CPU or memory load by MsMpEng.exe/Antimalware Service Executable so that your computer continues to run smoothly. read more

How to Repair Msrtn32.exe High CPU, Disk or Memory Usage on Windows PC

If your Windows 10 computer is slowing down, the first thing to do is to check the resource usage status in Task Manager. In such cases, it jumps up to 1000%, which causes the system to freeze or crash because some programs use most of the system’s resources. This is exactly the case with msrtn32.exe.

Msrtn32.exe is a malicious file that can try to steal your digital currency. It can install itself on your computer if you install a browser plugin or extension that can change your browser defaults, web page content, and search results, and show a lot of intrusive ads. read more

How to Troubleshoot “Your system is heavily damaged by Four virus” Error Message

Malware today comes in all shapes and sizes. It is very easy for cybercriminals to attack your Windows computers with such malware. There are many modern anti-virus programs on the market that can remove malicious files from your system. Four Virus is one of the most popular and dangerous browser hijacker viruses that claims your system is corrupted. It appears with a pop-up message that says, “Your system has been seriously corrupted by Four Virus.” This message appears when you try to access harmful and banned websites, such as online gaming sites or torrent sites. read more

How to Eliminate Zeus Trojan From Your Windows PC

The Zeus Trojan virus was first detected in July 2007. Its main purpose is to steal information from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Zeus is also known as Zeus and Zbot. It is part of one of the world’s most successful botnet programs and has infected millions of computers from its first release until today.

In addition, its code has been used for other similar malware such as Floki Bot. The Zeus virus is a sophisticated threat that can cause huge damage to computers and gain access to important private data. read more

What is `winrmsrv.exe` and How to Eliminate It?

This application is originally needed for internal Windows purposes. Microsoft itself does not disclose all the information about this application and it is quite difficult to understand its purpose. However, it is easy to notice that the process is not used very often. It runs in the background when the operating system needs to perform certain internal actions, and then disappears again.

Many users complain that the process winrmsrv.exe requires firewall access for some reason. The original version of this process does not require firewall access to the network. It performs tasks using what is still on your system, so there is no need to connect to the network. A suspicious process called winrmsrv.exe that requires network access is definitely a virus. In most cases, this name is used by Trojans as a disguise. read more