How to Troubleshoot ‘Discord Picking Up Game Audio’ on Windows PC

In this guide, we will look at methods to solve the following problem: Discord records game sound when it shouldn’t. Discord is a very popular free VoIP application and digital distribution platform specifically designed for gaming groups. Most of the time it works well for players, but sometimes bugs and problems can occur.

One of them is the problem of Discord sending game audio along with your voice. And that’s not what you want. It can be very annoying if it happens all the time. If you’re one of those people who has the same problem, we’ll show you how to get rid of it. But before we do that, let’s try to understand what could be causing this problem in Discord. Let’s take a closer look. read more

How to fix Audacity: ‘Internal PortAudio error’ in Windows 10

How to fix Audacity: 'Internal PortAudio error' in Windows 10

Audacity is a free and easy-to-use audio editing program for major desktop platforms such as Windows, Mac, and Linux. It is a widely used program for both professional and personal purposes. So it’s one of my favorite must-have programs. But recently, I ran into a strange problem and encountered an Audacity Internal PortAudio error on my Windows 10 computer. It’s hard to focus on my work with this error, and after some online research, I found that many users are experiencing the same problem. read more