How to Troubleshoot Error 0xc0000102 in Windows PC

“Error code 0xc0000102” is an error name that usually contains detailed information about the fault, including the cause of the fault, the failed system component or application, and some other information. The numeric code in the error name usually contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application in which the failure occurred.

The problem associated with this code can occur in many different places in the system, so even if the name contains some details, it is still difficult for the user to determine the cause of the problem and fix it without specialized technical knowledge or appropriate software. read more

Troubleshooting Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error on Windows 10 PC

The Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime error appears from time to time. It occurs when software installed on your computer conflicts with one or more Microsoft Windows components.

Fortunately, there are fairly simple solutions to fix the problem: you need to reinstall Visual C++ or find out which Windows process is not working with your software. With a little time and patience, your computer will run smoothly again.

What causes Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library error?

This error can be caused by installing new software, and was reported after installing the latest Windows updates. The most likely cause is missing or corrupted Visual C++ runtime library components. read more