How to Troubleshoot “Error Code 9345” on Amazon Prime

Getting an error message every time you watch a movie can be frustrating. Amazon Prime users are no exception to this dilemma. Errors also occur when streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

One of the most common errors on the streaming platform is error code 9345, which is related to a payment method problem. It may not be clear to everyone, but Amazon Prime Video error code 9345 simply indicates a problem with the currently connected payment method that caused the payment to fail.

If you encounter this error, read on to find out how to fix it. read more

How to Repair Hulu Error Code P-EDU125 – This isn’t included in your current subscription

The error code P-EDU125 on Hulu refers to user subscriptions. This occurs when a user tries to access certain content, but Hulu cannot confirm the user’s subscription. Many users report that this error occurs after switching to a new subscription plan. This error can occur if your billing information has not been updated.

What causes the Hulu P-EDU125 error code?

  • Users have encountered this problem due to outdated payment plans or recently purchased subscriptions.
  • This error occurs if you are having problems with your Hulu subscriptions or payment options.

How to resolve the Hulu P-EDU125 error code?


How to Troubleshoot Steam “Pending Transaction” Error Message

Steam is undoubtedly one of the leaders in the world of video games. Every day thousands of transactions are made on the platform as more and more people buy their favorite games. However, these transactions do not go smoothly for all users.

If you are trying to purchase a certain game but cannot complete the purchase, read on to find out how to fix the “Transaction Pending” error in Steam and continue playing without problems.

What causes the “Transaction Pending” issue on Steam? read more