How to Troubleshoot: Pokemon Go Error 26

Pokemon Go Error 26 is a particularly unpleasant problem that causes Pokémon encountered in the wild to no longer appear. Rare Pokémon can appear and disappear before the player is able to catch them.

Fortunately, there is a solution for players affected by the bug. Here’s how to avoid error 26.

What causes the Pokemon Go Error 26

According to some players, error 26 “appears when players get thrown out of the fight scene in the gym.” This is probably due to slow server response. Reports of latency spikes and high data consumption when clicking on a nearby Pokemon after the error occurs suggest that there is a lot of client-server synchronization going on. ” read more

Troubleshooting error `1720-SMART Hard Drive detects imminent failure`

Troubleshooting error `1720-SMART Hard Drive detects imminent failure`

Have you encountered the error “1720-Smart Drive Detects Imminent Failure” while booting up your computer? This means that the drive’s built-in status circuits and firmware have determined that the hard drive itself is about to fail. If this happens, you could lose all your files or the hard drive will eventually stop working.

Hard drives are usually designed to last a long time. Not surprisingly, they often outlive the computer in which they are installed and used. However, no matter how perfect these devices may seem, sometimes they can fail, whether due to user abuse or simply poor workmanship. When a hard drive fails, the error message “1720-Smart Drive Detects Imminent Failure” appears when you boot your computer. read more