What Is ETD Control Center

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ETDCtrl.exe or ETD control station file is a general software component of ELAN Microelectronics’ ELAN Smart-Pad. ELAN Smart-Pad is a type of touchpad that is normally found in laptops. The control center is managed by ETDCtrl.exe, a configuration screen that provides different types of options to change the settings of the ELAN intelligent touchpad. This is not an official Windows process and can also be easily disabled if there are problems.

What is the ETD Control Center?

As already mentioned, the ETD Control Center (ETDCtrl stands for Elan Trackpad Device Control Center) is a software developed by ELAN Microelectronics. Although it is not really known to cause problems, it can carry a camouflaged ETD control center virus. In addition, problems can occur even if the file is corrupted. That’s why many people choose to take it off.

The file itself is called ETDCtrl.exe and is located in a subfolder of the Windows directory. More precisely, it can be found in C:\Program files. However, it is quite easy to delete this file if you think it poses a threat to your computer or can cause problems.

Should you uninstall the ETD control center?

After so much effort, if you still have problems with ETDCtrl.exe, you can remove it by uninstalling ETDWare PS/2-x86 WHQL or ETDWare PS/2-x86 WHQL using Uninstall a program from the Windows control panel.

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How can I solve ETD Control Center problems in Windows 10?

Due to this service error in the ELAN task manager, you can choose to uninstall the ETD control center or update the Smart Pad driver for Windows 10.

Disabling the ETD control center in the task manager

Mainly, because the Windows etdctrl.exe process is down, you may have to disable the ETD console at startup. This way, this touchpad service will not consume a lot of CPU and will not respond to Windows 10.

  1. Right-click on Start, then select Task Manager from the list.
  2. In the Task Manager, locate and right-click the ETD control center in the Start tab to disable it.
  3. Restart your PC to take effect.

Troubleshooting the ETD error by updating the Touchpad driver

Deactivating the ETD control station does not work for you. You can continue to update the touchpad driver. Sometimes, disabling the program does not work and the error flashes again and again. Then go to the second method and try to correct the error by updating the driver. There are two ways to update the driver. First, update the driver online or by another method to update the driver with the preinstalled drivers. Therefore, follow these steps to update the driver.

Step 1: Open the Device Manager. It’s on a different path with a different window.

Step 2: Scroll down and select “Mice and other pointing devices”. Right-click on “ELAN Touchpad Driver” and select the “Update Driver” option.

Step 3: The driver window appears and prompts you to select one of the options, for example, “Automatically check for driver software update” or “Check driver software on my computer”. Select the option accordingly.

Step 4: Complete all pilot configuration phases. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Step 5: Restart your computer to restart all programs to correct errors.


We hope you have an idea of what ETDCtrl.exe is exactly. We talked at length about the use and origin of the ETD control centre and how to install it if you have a problem. If you have any difficulties with the article, you can ask any questions in the comments field below.


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