How To: Delete All Comments On YouTube

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YouTube’s comment area is often as popular as the video being commented on. Comments on YouTube give you the opportunity to share a thought or memory, debate a topic, discard an opinion or support someone else’s position.

YouTube comment sections may contain hilarious anecdotes or brutal vitriol, but either way, they are never boring.

If you’ve left a comment on YouTube that you’d like to delete now, you can delete it at any time.

Deleting comments on YouTube takes just seconds, whether you’re on a computer or a mobile phone. So don’t raise your hand and leave that annoying comment for everyone to see.

How to Delete all YouTube Comments

Go to the advanced account settings page on YouTube:

April 2024 Update:

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  • Press Delete Channel.
  • Expand the “I want to hide my channel” section.
  • Check everything and press the “Hide my channel” button.
  • You may have to wait a little while before YouTube deletes your comments. You can check if all your comments are deleted here:

If necessary, you can go to your channel’s page (or this one) to reopen it (it will ask you your name again). This way, your subscriptions, videos and playlists will also remain private, but you can make them public if you wish.

You can only delete certain comments.

  • You can delete comments you’ve made about other people’s videos.
  • You can delete comments that others have made about your videos.
  • You can delete comments that others have made by posting them. If the comment gets enough votes, it is deleted.
  • You cannot delete multiple comments at once.
  • You can’t delete comments made before Google purchased YouTube (October 2006).

Delete comments made by others

If you create content, it is a good idea to use YouTube‘s moderation capabilities for comments. You can exercise some control over the types of comments you allow in your channel. For example, you can filter out anything that has an outbound link or hashtag.

What if you want to remove someone else’s comment from your channel?

  • Just select the icon with the three dots next to the comment. You can choose to report the commenter for inappropriate content or hide their comments from the channel.
  • Click “Delete” to delete your comment, and note that this will also delete all responses to that comment.

Expert Tip: This repair tool scans the repositories and replaces corrupt or missing files if none of these methods have worked. It works well in most cases where the problem is due to system corruption. This tool will also optimize your system to maximize performance. It can be downloaded by Clicking Here