How to Repair: DNS Server Unavailable in Windows 10

When you want to visit a certain website, your web browser looks for a domain name and the router sends a request to the DNS server. If the domain name has been registered, the system sends the corresponding IP address. In this way, the download process goes smoothly.

This process is controlled by the DNS configuration and in most cases goes smoothly. However, sometimes the system fails, gets damaged, or stops working for various reasons. When this happens, the DNS server fails to establish the necessary connection and you get an error message like this: read more

How to Eliminate the CMD Error “DNS server not authoritative for zone”

When users try to use a certain command in CMD, they may encounter the “DNS Server not authoritative for zone” error. In fact, this is a common problem. When this error occurs, it means that the affected users cannot execute commands that do not invoke the built-in utilities.

What causes the `DNS server not authoritative for zone` message?

The error `DNS server not authoritative for zone` may be caused by a possible hard disk sector corruption. The cmd error “DNS Server Not Authoritative for Zone” also occurs if the system files are corrupted. The error also occurs when running a Python command, even if the DNS settings are incorrectly configured, the error may persist. read more