How to Troubleshoot Error 0xc0000102 in Windows PC

“Error code 0xc0000102” is an error name that usually contains detailed information about the fault, including the cause of the fault, the failed system component or application, and some other information. The numeric code in the error name usually contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application in which the failure occurred.

The problem associated with this code can occur in many different places in the system, so even if the name contains some details, it is still difficult for the user to determine the cause of the problem and fix it without specialized technical knowledge or appropriate software. read more

How to Resolve the Error 0xc0000006 (STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR)

Some users have discussed error 0xc0000006 on the software support forums. This error occurs when users try to run some of their programs.

The error message may include the following Application failed to start correctly 0xc0000006. This is a STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR error, which often happens when users try to run software from networked volumes. If you need to fix this error, check out the possible solutions.

What causes error 0xc0000006 (STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR)?

0xc0000006 Error

This error often occurs when trying to run an executable from a network volume. It is most likely due to an intermittent problem caused by the overprotection of the firewall or AV package. However, this false positive could also be caused by an incorrect AppInst_DLLs registry value or system corruption. read more