How to Troubleshoot “Error Code 9345” on Amazon Prime

Getting an error message every time you watch a movie can be frustrating. Amazon Prime users are no exception to this dilemma. Errors also occur when streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

One of the most common errors on the streaming platform is error code 9345, which is related to a payment method problem. It may not be clear to everyone, but Amazon Prime Video error code 9345 simply indicates a problem with the currently connected payment method that caused the payment to fail.

If you encounter this error, read on to find out how to fix it. read more

How to Troubleshoot No Sound on Netflix Issue

The video entertainment industry has grown phenomenally over the past decade. Once-popular cable TV providers and DVD rental companies have become virtually irrelevant, all thanks to the new name in town, Netflix. Thanks to the convenience Netflix offers and low rates, Netflix has added millions of customers to its already huge customer base, and that number continues to grow.

This rapid growth is also due to the new content Netflix adds to its content library each month. Netflix prides itself on the original TV shows and movies it offers on its platform. However, while the service is generally flawless and works wonderfully most of the time, streaming issues can occasionally arise. read more

How to Repair Netflix Error Code NW-1-19 in Xbox One Console

Netflix is a great streaming service if you are connected to the Internet. However, if you lose your connection, you may get a Netflix NW-1-19 error code. This guide explains how to fix this error so you can watch your entertainment again.

What is causing the Netflix error code NW-1-19 on your Xbox One?

  • Your device may not be connected to the Internet.
  • The software on your device may not be up to date.
  • Your streaming device’s network may not support Netflix.
  • Your wireless network signal strength may not be sufficient.

How to resolve the Netflix error code NW-1-19 on your Xbox One?


How to Repair “ has stopped” on Android Device

Are you stuck with one of the following error messages? Either “Unfortunately, the process has been stopped” or “The process has been stopped unexpectedly”? It’s the same problem, and it’s actually easy to fix, so don’t panic. In this article, we will tell you how to fix this problem.

Some devices from previous generations, such as the Samsung Galaxy S6 or HTC One M8, may be particularly prone to this error, but anyone can have the problem, and the solutions are the same. So take a deep breath and follow our instructions carefully to get things working again. read more

How to Resolve “Unfortunately LG Keyboard has stopped” Error on Mobile Device

You may have seen this error when using the keyboard on LG smartphones. Once it starts appearing, you will no longer be able to use the LG keyboard. You need to either fix this problem or start using a third-party keyboard app. You can find many keyboard apps on Google Play.

Follow the instructions to fix the situation The LG keyboard has unfortunately stopped.

What’s the cause of the “Unfortunately, the LG keyboard has stopped” error message?

Many experts think it’s a hardware problem because LG has failed to produce high-quality phones at low prices. But whatever the cause of this problem, the good news is that you can fix an LG keyboard that has stopped working. To fix the situation of “unfortunately the LG keyboard has stopped”, you can use several ways. Below is a list of the best solutions. read more

How to Repair “TouchWiz Home has stopped” Error on Mobile Device

There was a time when Android users hated TouchWiz, but now the scenario is that TouchWiz is the main reason users love Samsung phones. So what is TouchWiz? And what is TouchWiz Home?

Some people live with the myth that TouchWiz is an operating system. But it’s really just a user interface (UI) designed and built by Samsung. And it’s only available on Samsung cell phones, smartphones, and tablets. Samsung uses TouchWiz on top of the Android operating system in its smartphones and other devices to customize the UI its customers get. read more

How to Troubleshoot: MTP USB Device Driver Failed Error

If you connect your cell phone to your computer and see the message “MTP USB Device Failed”, you are not alone. you are not alone. Many Windows users report this problem. Don’t worry, this problem can be solved. Here are some effective solutions you can try.

MTP is short for Media Transfer Protocol, which is supported by Andriod phones. If the MTP driver is not installed, you won’t be able to transfer media files to or from Android devices.

What causes an MTP USB device driver failure

MTP USB device crash is a common problem caused by the MTP USB device driver. It happens whenever you want to connect your Android device to your computer. read more

Comcast remote control not working? Perform the following steps

Comcast remote control not working? Perform the following steps

Having trouble with your Comcast remote control? Learn some tips for solving the Comcast remote control not working problem.

Your Comcast remote control automatically works with your Comcast TV set-top box. You must program your remote to work with your particular TV. If you need help programming your remote, refer to the instructions that came with it, or learn how to program your Comcast remote using our online tool.

This can be a very serious problem, as you won’t be able to operate your TV without a properly working remote. If you are looking for a solution to this problem, you have come to the right place. I will cover the causes and some common solutions to solve this problem. read more

Fixed: Paired AirPods won’t Connect

Does Apple AirPods work with Windows 10 computers? The answer is yes, Apple AirPods are not restricted to use with Apple hardware, they can be used on Windows 10 PCs with Bluetooth. In this article, you’ll learn how to pair and connect AirPods to Windows 10 and how to troubleshoot when AirPods don’t connect to your PC, when AirPods are paired but not connected, or when AirPods keep disconnecting and reconnecting from your Windows 10 laptop.

If you are trying to connect your device to Windows 10 via Bluetooth and your devices are paired but not connected, you are not alone. Many Windows users are reporting this problem. But the good news is that you can fix it with this guide. Read on to find out how. read more