How to Resolve “Scratch Disks are Full” Error in Photoshop

When you try to perform an action in Adobe Photoshop, you sometimes get an error message: “The request cannot be executed because the disk is full.”

To avoid the “Photoshop scratch disk is full” error, you need to change the way Photoshop uses your computer’s memory.

What causes the Photoshop “Scratch Disk is Full” error?

Photoshop often creates a lot of temporary files when you’re working with large items. If you don’t have any free space left on your drive and hard drive, Photoshop may not work properly. For this reason, the Photoshop error may not be your computer’s problem. read more

How to Repair “ has stopped” on Android Device

Are you stuck with one of the following error messages? Either “Unfortunately, the process has been stopped” or “The process has been stopped unexpectedly”? It’s the same problem, and it’s actually easy to fix, so don’t panic. In this article, we will tell you how to fix this problem.

Some devices from previous generations, such as the Samsung Galaxy S6 or HTC One M8, may be particularly prone to this error, but anyone can have the problem, and the solutions are the same. So take a deep breath and follow our instructions carefully to get things working again. read more