Reset or clear the Windows memory cache on Windows 10

One of the new features of Windows 10/8 is the download of Windows Store applications. You often experience problems where downloading Windows Store applications is blocked halfway or when you try to install or update it on your Windows 10/8.1 PC; it does not work.

Today I found a way to reset the cache for the Windows store. What it does is reset the Windows store without changing account settings or removing installed applications.

Clear Windows Store Cache with WSReset.exe

The procedure is very simple. Run CMD as administrator, enter WSReset.exe and press Enter. read more

Use VBScript to change the App Row Tiles Windows 8 startup screen number

In our last post, we saw how to change the number of App Tile rows on the Windows 8 startup screen with PowerShell. Of course, although you can always make things so easy with the registry editor, we discuss these options just to give you an idea of how these things can be done.

Using VBScript to change the number of App Row Tiles

We will now see how to use VBSt to change the number of App Tile lines on the startup screen.

First download the Microsoft ChangeNumberOfAppsTileRows (VBScript) ZIP file and extract its contents. After extraction, you will see the VBS file ChangeNumberOfAppsTileRows.vbs. Just double-click on this script file. read more

Recover data from inaccessible BitLocker encrypted disks using the BitLocker repair tool

Has your hard disk ever become inaccessible after unlocking with BitLocker? Maybe your BitLocker password has been forgotten or the recovery key has been lost? Recently, I followed this tutorial to lock a drive with BitLocker on my system. After the tutorial, I kept the recovery key as an important consideration. Everything went well, but the problem occurred when I accidentally interrupted the process when the BitLocker blocked my hard drive. read more

Hiberfil.sys, Pagefile.sys & the new Swapfile.sys file in Windows 10/8

The Windows operating system contains several system files necessary for its proper operation. Some of them are Swapfile.sys, Hiberfil.sys & Pagefile.sys. To view these system files on the root of your system drive (C), you must display the protected operating system files in the folder options. In this article, we will briefly discuss each issue.


The Hiberfil.sys file is a system file used by Windows to support Hibernation. If you enabled Hibernation on Windows 8/10, you will see this file.

Read: Disable, hibernate under Windows 10/8 read more

How to block or open a port in the Windows firewall

You can configure Windows firewall settings (block or open the port in Windows 10/8/7l) and restore the default settings if you are not satisfied with the default Windows firewall settings. To do this, you must go to the advanced firewall settings. It’s easy, just open the control panel and in its search field Type – Firewall. Then open the firewall and click on the’Advanced settings’ link.

We have already seen how to manage the Windows firewall. In this article, we look in detail at how to block or open a port in the Windows 10/8/7 firewall. read more

Create a system restore point, restore the computer with system restore under Windows 10

In this article we will see how to make & System Restore Point, Restore Computer a good restore point & Cancel System Restore changes in Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7. Windows also creates a system restore point when it detects a major change in your system – for example, when you install Windows updates, drivers, or sometimes software.

These restore points represent a backed up state of your computer’s system files and registry settings. If at any time you feel the need to undo some changes, or if your Windows is not working properly, you can reset your system to a’good’ previous recovery point. read more

Chameleon Boot Manager: Disable, delete, manage, add boot items

It often happens that you install a new software or application and forget to save certain parameters, which seriously affects the speed and memory consumption of your system. Above all, this use increases several times over a longer period of time. There are so many unnecessary applications that work at boot time, but with Chameleon Startup Manager you can control them and improve the performance of your operating system.

Chameleon Startup Manager

Chameleon Startup Manager Lite helps you speed up Windows startup by helping you manage and disable starters as needed. It gives you full control over the selection of programs to run automatically at startup, not by adjusting settings. Chameleon Startup Manager also offers advanced configuration settings where you can change item settings and also add startup settings according to your needs, as shown on the screen below : read more

How to disable font smoothing on Windows 7/8/10

From Windows XP to Windows 8, Microsoft has improved Windows font display (16). The smooth fonts introduced in Windows 7 – also in Windows 10/8 – have an attractive and elegant appearance.

– as can be seen from this thread. Here are the two scenarios – the first window with font smoothing and the second without font smoothing.

Disable font smoothing

To disable font smoothing in Windows 8 / 7

(1).exe and press Enter to open the ClearType Text Tuner. Disable Enable ClearType.

2nd control panel > Visual effects performance options. Disable Smooth edges of screen fonts. read more

Microsoft Update Catalog: Download & Register Windows Updates

Microsoft Update Catalog is a Microsoft service that provides a list of software updates that can be distributed over an enterprise network. Using the Microsoft Update Catalog can be a single point of contact for finding Microsoft software updates, drivers and patches.

Microsoft Update Catalog

Download and save Windows updates

You can download and save Windows updates or updates for other Microsoft software from this website.

1 Visit the Microsoft Update Catalog Web site here

2 Check Windows Update Catalog updates Enter your search terms in the search box. You can perform a full text search using a keyword, KB article, FRSC bulletin, driver manufacturer, driver model, driver version, product and classification. Select the appropriate version of Windows. Search or click Advanced Search to refine your search. A list is displayed. Select the updates you want to download. Click Add for each selection to add it to the download cart. read more

Windows code 32 Error message

If you have a Windows’ode 32 ErrorA driver (service) for this device has been disabled. An alternative driver can provide this functionality , i>then you may be interested in this article. This error is associated with corrupted drivers, services or registry keys.

Some of the known causes of code 32 errors are :

  • The device is not configured by default
  • A previous attempt to update the driver failed unexpectedly or was interrupted
  • A required service connected to the device driver is disabled
  • Another device provides default functionality.

Windows code errors 32

Determining the exact cause may require extensive troubleshooting of all software components if caused by faulty drivers. The most recommended solution for this error message is to reinstall the device driver – the first level of repair you should try. Also, always keep your device drivers up-to-date. read more