Invalid security token when updating Windows Media Center

Yesterday, one of my customers called me and told me that he received an error Invalid security token when updating Windows Media Center on Windows. I had never heard of this problem, so I did some research on this error message and discovered that it could be caused by a poor or corrupt Windows Media Center library. So I decided to rebuild the Windows Media Center library.

Invalid security token

The Library folder is a file protected by the system. We must first enable Show hidden files and folders and Show files protected by the system. read more

Use PowerShell to change the number of App Tile rows on the Windows 8

If you are using Windows 8.1 / 8, you should know that the number of lines for tiles on the starting screen depends entirely on the screen resolution or window size that corresponds to your default Windows screen. But sometimes you may want to display a number of tile lines on the home screen, which does not depend on the size of the screen. And there’s no direct way to change that number of rows of tiles.

In one of our previous messages, we saw how to change this with the registry editor. This article shows how to change the number of application tiles on the Windows 8 startup screen using PowerShell Script and VBScript. You don’t need to know the programming – these finished scripts are provided in the TechNet Script Center Gallery. All you have to do is execute the script. We will see both methods, one now and the other in our next post. My PC comes standard with 5 rows of application tiles. What I will do is change it to 3 with Power Shell Script and 5 again with VBS in the next post. read more

Make the mouse pointer blinking from Windows thicker

When the screen is set to a high resolution, it may be difficult to display items on the screen, especially when they are small. Windows 7/8/10’s blinking cursor may seem too thin, small or thin for your eyes. However, you can adjust the thickness of the blinking cursor so as not to tire your eyes too much.

We follow the traditional path for this configuration, i.e. via the control panel. In Windows 10/8/7, you can make your blinking mouse pointer larger, larger or thicker and more visible using the Control Panel. read more

Command line control Hard disk options, switches, settings under Windows 10/8/7

Check Disk or Chkdsk.exe is an integrated Windows utility that is used to check for disk and file system errors. If you encounter problems ranging from blue screens to being unable to open or save files or folders, you can run the Scan Disk utility. Whenever we need to detect and repair a file system or hard disk corruption, we run the built-in Windows Check Disk Tool. The Check Disk or ChkDsk.exe utility checks for file system errors, bad sectors, lost clusters and so on. Check Disk can be run automatically during a crash or when the file system is detected as’dirty’. read more

Tips to avoid Crapware and Bloatware on your Windows PC

Many people have an excess of crapware and bloatware on their Windows computers in different shapes and sizes, from tedious toolbars to trial versions of software. Usually these people don’t know where and how all this extra unwanted software gets on their computers. Unfortunately, crawlers are common on Windows computers and it is very difficult to uninstall most of them from your Windows PC.

Avoid Crapware & Bloatware

You may be able to be inflated by your computer, but there are even some who hide from the list of installed programs and refuse to leave your PC without a fight. That’s why it’s essential for people who want their computer to run at peak performance to learn how to keep it clean. read more

How to clear the Windows DNS cache

Problems with your Internet connection? DNS cache corrupted? Are you facing DNS problems or DNS problems? You may need to clear the Windows DNS cache . If your computer has trouble reaching a particular web site or server, the problem may be due to a corrupted local DNS cache. Sometimes bad results are cached, perhaps because of DNS cache poisoning and spoofing, and must therefore be cached for your Windows computer to communicate properly with the host.

Typically, there are 3 types of caches in Windows that you can easily empty: read more

Let the antivirus software also scan a locked file mapped to memory

Although antivirus software can protect your Windows computer, you may need to scan your computer on demand. When a computer is running, there are several files that can be used by the system and therefore locked so that they are not accessible for virus scanning.

To avoid this, many users prefer to program a scan when starting the antivirus software to get the best results.

Under Windows 7 SP1, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, not all infected files are detected by your antivirus software. read more

Use a wired connection instead of a wireless connection in Windows 8 / 7

In this tutorial, we will see how to change the priority of network connections in Windows 8 or Windows 7 and let them follow a desired connection order. You can use a wired connection for Windows 8 instead of a wireless connection.

When you start your laptop and a wireless connection is available, your Windows laptop connects to the Wi-Fi connection. Even if you connect to a wired connection, it will still be used on the Wi-Fi connection. Because if more than one network connection is available, Windows uses the one with the lowest metric value. read more

Enable data acquisition for the reliability monitor in Windows OS, disable

You can use the Windows 8 reliability monitor to view your computer’s reliability and problem history. If you determine that your Reliability Monitor does not have data, the data collection function may have been disabled or not enabled. In this case, you can follow this tutorial to enable data collection in Reliability Monitor under Windows 10/8/7.

Reliability Monitor under Windows uses data provided by the scheduled task RACAgent. The Reliability Analysis component collects and analyzes problems. The reliability monitor displays a stability index, a feature and specific event information 24 hours after system installation. read more

How to add RSS feeds to the Bing News application in Windows 8

Recently, several Windows 8 Bing applications, namely Travel, Maps, News, Finance, Sports, have received an update. These applications have been updated several times. Although details of updates to the weather application have also been announced, they have not been included in this package. With this update, it is now possible to add your own RSS feeds to the Bing News application.

Add RSS feeds to the Bing News application in Windows 8

You can customize the Bing News application to meet your needs. Customize it to display only the categories, topics or information sources that matter to you. The news application now also supports offline playback. Another feature of the news application is that you can add RSS feeds to your favorite blogs as a custom source. And that’s what this is about. read more