Kingsoft Office Suite 2012, a free Microsoft Office alternative for Windows

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Kingsoft Office 2012 is a free office suite that can be used both at home and in daily documentation work. The tool is very easy to use and allows the creation, display, editing and publication of documents.

The revised Kingsoft Office 2012 now has a ribbon interface and includes three applications:

      • Kingsoft Writers 2012
      • Kingsoft Spreadsheet 2012
      • Kingsoft Presentation 2012

With the 3 programs you can create DOC, PPT and XLS files. The free software is compatible with all Microsoft Office Microsoft Office file formats.

Microsoft Office can also open Kingsoft Office files without Kingsoft Office being installed on the same computer.

April 2024 Update:

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The above applications also include a number of predefined templates, support for document encryption and options for exporting any document to PDF format.

The main feature of Kingsoft 2012 is that the installation package is only 70 MB file, only one-tenth the size of Microsoft Office software and is therefore installed in less than a minute.

Kingsoft Office 2012 also supports some tabulations functions. It appears above the editable area and allows you to quickly and easily switch between documents.

Some new and unique features of the latest version that were missing in the previous version are :

      • Automatic spell checker : Integrated spell checker to automatically read text entered when creating a document. Marks bad words in red, underlines them as you type, and also indicates some recommended words.
      • Online software update Option(14)
      • Improved layout: Makes document processing faster and faster.
      • Better and deeper compatibility with Microsoft Office Software to open, edit and save :
      1. Microsoft Word files: (97/2000/2003/2003/2007/2010).doc,.docx,
      2. Microsoft Excel files: (97/2000/2003).xls,.xlsx and
      3. Microsoft PowerPoint files: (97/2000/2003).ppt,.pptx files.
        • Built-in PDF Converter: Converts author, spreadsheet and presentation files to PDF. This includes
          1. Word files (.doc,.docx)
          2. Excel files (.xls,.xlsx)
          3. PowerPoint files (.ppt,.pptx) as PDF files.
          • Encryption of documents : To enable a document encryption function, the:
          1. Assigns a password to the files.
          2. Sets the password for opening and editing documents.
          3. Assigns and modifies the password to allow both document search and modification.
          4. Protects privacy by preventing other users from viewing or editing files.
            • Share files by email : Allows Kingsoft Office to view and edit emails This built-in email feature greatly facilitates document sharing.

Kingsoft Office Suite can be installed on Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7. Some basic and recommended configurations are listed below(2)(2)

Basic Configurations :

            • CPU : Pentium II 266 MHz or higher
            • Memory : 128 MB
            • Minimum Hardware .: at least 200 MB available disk space

Recommended configurations :

            • CPU : Pentium III 450 MHz or higher Memory : 256 MB or more
            • Hardware : 250 MB available.

You can download Kingsoft Office 2012 Suite from here.

Did any of you use the Kingsoft suite? If so, would you like to share your experiences here?

You can also try other free alternatives to Microsoft Office and ThinkFree Office Review

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