Troubleshooting: Microsoft Store `Check your connection` Error

Microsoft Store error code 0x80072F30 occurs when the Store does not start properly or cannot connect to the Internet. The error may be caused by a stopped Windows Update service, a corrupted Windows Store cache, or the quality of your Internet connection. The error message appears as follows:

Check your connection, Microsoft Store should be online and you don’t seem to have one.

What causes the Microsoft Store “Check connection” error message?

External error: Sometimes other applications or PC settings prevent Microsoft Store from detecting your network. Your computer’s firewall or local network settings may also prevent the application’s connection-specific features from working. read more

How to Resolve the Folder Keeps Reverting to Read Only in Windows 10

Read-only is a file/folder attribute that allows only a specific group of users to modify those files and folders. This feature does not allow others to modify these read-only files/folders without your explicit permission. Depending on your needs, you can leave some files in system mode and others in read-only mode. You can turn this feature on/off at any time.

Unfortunately, several users have reported that their files and folders keep returning to read-only mode after upgrading to Windows 10. read more

How to Resolve: No Internet Connection in Windows 10

Windows 10 updates tend to break things, and the latest Windows 10 version 2004 update was no exception. According to many forum posts, the latest annoying bug prevents Windows 10 applications from accessing the Internet, even if the PC is successfully connected and the web browser is working properly.

Unfortunately, the error appears without warning or reason. If you see a yellow “No Internet Access” error triangle in the Windows 10 taskbar and can’t connect to the Internet in apps like Steam, Spotify, or Fortnite, but can browse the web as usual, then you have an error. read more

How to Repair the ‘Yellow Tint’ Problem on Windows Display

Is your computer screen suddenly turning yellowish? If so, the problem might be with the color management profile used by your monitor. Installing the correct color management profile can solve the problem. In this article, we’ll give you some solutions that can help you if your monitor has a yellowish screen tint.

What causes a yellow tint on your Windows screen?

If your monitor or laptop screen suddenly takes on a yellowish tint or is no longer its normal color, it could be caused by several reasons. It could be due to a misconfigured color profile or a third-party application that may have changed the color. read more

How to Repair the “We can’t set up mobile hotspot” Error in Windows 10

Last year, Windows 10 introduced a new mobile hotspot setting that allows you to share your PC or laptop’s Internet connection with other devices. It’s a really useful feature that allows you to browse the Internet even when you’re on the go.

Although you can activate this feature directly in the Settings app by checking the “Share Internet connection with other devices” box, this may not work. For example, if you try to enable the feature, you might see the error message “We cannot set up a mobile hotspot”. However, the good news is that this can be fixed. Let’s see how. read more

How to Disable Error Reporting on Windows 10 PC

The Windows Error Reporting feature generates these alerts after certain program or operating system errors and prompts you to send information about the problem to Microsoft.

You can disable error reporting to avoid sending sensitive information about your computer to Microsoft because you’re not connected to the Internet all the time, or just to avoid receiving these annoying warnings.

Error reports are enabled by default on all versions of Windows, but you can easily disable them through Control Panel or Services, depending on your version of Windows. read more

How to Troubleshoot WSUS Error Code 0x80072EE6

The Windows operating system releases updates from time to time. These updates help protect your system from the latest security problems. But sometimes Windows Update gives unexpected errors, such as 80072EE6. Windows displays this error code when a user tries to download a Windows 10 update through Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).

In this article, you will learn how to fix error code 80072EE6 in Windows Server Update Services.

What causes WSUS error code 0x80072EE6?

A possible cause of WSUS error code 80072EE6 is an invalid URL or an invalid update processing area. Windows 10 has a collection policy setting called “Specify Microsoft Intranet Update Service Location”. If the URL specified in this setting becomes invalid, you may get error code 80072EE6. read more

Error Fix: “Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost” and “Microsoft.Windows.Cortana” Applications Need to be Installed

The Start menu is one of the features highlighted in Windows 10. The reason is that Microsoft removed the Start menu in Windows 8, and many users asked the Redmond software “giant” to restore it. The company listened to its consumers, and as a result, the Start menu is back in Windows 10. If you’re having problems with the Start menu, most Windows experts advise you to run the Start menu troubleshooter.

However, after running the troubleshooter, some users found that some of the problems they found were still present and the troubleshooter was unable to fix them. One of these issues is the following: read more

How to Repair the Missing “Show Desktop” Shortcut

If the “Show Desktop” button on the Windows 10 taskbar is missing, this article will show you how to fix the problem. In the bottom right corner (right next to the Action Center icon) of the Windows 10 taskbar, there’s a “Show Desktop” button.

If you hover your mouse over this button, you can view or preview your desktop – and if you click this button, all the apps and folders in the taskbar are minimized to show the desktop. If the Show Desktop button is missing, not working, or not available, this message may be helpful. read more

How to Prevent Mouse Pointer Auto-Selecting when Hovering Over a Hyperlink on Windows 10

Does the mouse pointer on your computer select something automatically when you hover over it for a few seconds? Some Windows 10 users are complaining about a similar problem on the forum. If you encounter the same problem, don’t worry.

In this article, we are going to share some simple solutions with which you can easily solve this problem. But before we move on to more serious solutions, read what causes the issue,  it will help you understand your problem quickly.

Why does the mouse pointer automatically select when hovering over a hyperlink?

All Windows devices come standard with an auto-select feature. Although it may vary depending on the version of windows you are using, it basically does the same thing. This feature can be activated without your consent for a number of reasons. Whatever the reason, it is important to disable it, especially if you have not enabled this feature yourself. When this auto-select feature is enabled, users notice a floating selection problem. read more