How to Resolve ‘Nvidia Control Panel Won’t Open’ in Windows PC

The NVIDIA Control Panel provides easy access to NVIDIA graphics card settings. Many users have complained that the NVIDIA Control Panel does not open in Windows, preventing them from accessing important graphics card settings.

If you’ve encountered a problem like this, you’ve come to the right place. Here we have described some solutions to the “NVIDIA Control Panel doesn’t open” problem.

Why won’t the Nvidia Control Panel open?

For Nvidia Control Panel to work, your computer must be running certain services. Usually, your computer starts these services automatically when you turn it on. However, it is possible that for some reason these services stop working, preventing you from opening the Nvidia Control Panel. read more

Troubleshooting ‘Acrobat failed to connect to a DDE server’ in Windows 10

Many Acrobat users have recently encountered an error. Usually, an error message is displayed indicating that Acrobat was unable to connect to the DDE server.

If this has happened to you as well, you’re probably very upset, but the good news is that you can solve this problem quite easily. We’ve put together some suggestions to help you fix this bug. Here are some effective solutions you can try.

Why can’t Acrobat connect to the DDE server?

When users try to open or merge PDF files, this error can occur. So, let’s find out the possible reasons for this problem. read more

Troubleshooting: ‘You must be an Administrator running a console session in order to use the SFC utility’

When you try to run the sfc /scannow command at the command line to find and fix errors, you often get an error message like “You must be an administrator working in a console session to use the SFC utility”.

Don’t panic, because the command line can sometimes display errors, which is perfectly normal. It can display errors when running any command, and sfc /scannow is no exception. However, there is a very quick and simple solution to this problem. To solve this problem, you have to run the command line as an administrator. Let’s see how to solve this problem. read more

How to Repair Standard VGA Graphics Adapter Driver Problems in Windows 10

If you see the entry “Standard VGA Graphics Adapter” in the “Display Adapters” category of the Device Manager, it means that the driver for the specific graphics card is not installed or is corrupt. The entry “Standard VGA Graphics Adapter” under “Display Adapters” also means that your computer is using a built-in graphics driver.

In some cases, you may also see a yellow exclamation mark on the standard VGA graphics adapter, indicating a problem with the graphics driver. One of the disadvantages of the standard VGA graphics driver is that it can only display one screen resolution. read more

How to Resolve: “NVIDIA Installer Failed” Error Message on Windows PC

The “NVIDIA Installer Failed” issue is the most common among Windows 10 users because Windows 10 seems to have a rather complicated relationship with NVIDIA GPU drivers. Fortunately, there are many ways to solve the “NVIDIA Installer Failed” issue and install the drivers successfully. Here are the most effective ways to resolve the “NVIDIA Installer Failed” issue and successfully install drivers for NVIDIA GPU.

What causes the “NVIDIA Installer Failed” problem message?

After updating your system to Windows 10, Windows Update will try to load and install the GPU drivers in the background. Sometimes this can take up to 5-10 minutes. If you try to install the NVIDIA driver at the same time, you will most likely get this error. read more

How to Troubleshoot “Your system is heavily damaged by Four virus” Error Message

Malware today comes in all shapes and sizes. It is very easy for cybercriminals to attack your Windows computers with such malware. There are many modern anti-virus programs on the market that can remove malicious files from your system. Four Virus is one of the most popular and dangerous browser hijacker viruses that claims your system is corrupted. It appears with a pop-up message that says, “Your system has been seriously corrupted by Four Virus.” This message appears when you try to access harmful and banned websites, such as online gaming sites or torrent sites. read more

How to Resolve “Widevine Content Decryption Module” Error in Windows 10

If you stream media from platforms such as Netflix using Google Chrome, you may have encountered the “Widevine Content Decryption Module” error. This often happens when playing DRM (Digital Rights Management) protected content, such as HTML 5 videos protected by DRM. Below we’ve compiled comprehensive information about Widevine CDM and everything you need to know about it to have a seamless streaming experience.

As we mentioned earlier, the Widevine Content Decryption Module is used to play DRM-protected videos. If you remove or disable this component, you won’t be able to play DRM-protected content, i.e. content from Netflix, Spotify, Amazon Prime, etc. Browsers such as Chrome and Mozilla use this component. read more

How to Troubleshoot: Taskeng.exe Keeps Popping Up Randomly on Windows PC

Taskeng.exe (Task Scheduler Engine) is a system file in Windows 10/8/7 operating systems. It is not a virus if it is located in the System32 folder. The legitimate file is responsible for keeping track of tasks to be executed at the time specified by the user. However, many attackers use this file or misuse its name to infect your computer.

If the file is in another folder, it may be malware and you should have it scanned. If the Taskeng.exe popup appears on your computer all the time, you should pay attention to several things. read more

How to Repair Backup Error 0x8078012D in Windows 10

Did you encounter error 0x8078012D when backing up Windows to an external hard drive? If so, don’t worry because you are not the only one who has encountered this problem. The main reason for this error may be the 0x8007045D I/O device error.

This error code appears along with an error message that looks like this.

“Operation failed due to a device error at the source or destination. If the source or destination volume is on disk, run CHKDSK /R on the source or destination volume, and then repeat the operation. The request cannot be executed due to an I/O device, error 0x8078012D”. read more

How to Resolve Microsoft Office “Error Code 30088-26” when Updating Office in Windows PC

Do you get error code 30088-26 when you try to update the MS Office package on your Windows computer? This error usually occurs in Windows 7, 8, and 10.

Users report that even after rebooting the system, they get the same message when trying to apply a new MS Office update. The problem could be due to a corrupt Office installation, outdated Windows 10, or previous installation files affecting the current installation.

In this article, we have listed some methods that have helped other users to successfully fix MS Office update error code: 30088-26. read more